Remember that definition of insanity? Well, it's a thing.
It’s unclear who actually coined the phrase, but you’ve no doubt heard it: Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. And, as a nonprofit or corporate leader, you’ve also probably experienced it.
Cultivate For Good can help you stop the madness.
We assess your environment and current reality, including reviewing existing goals and evaluating current positions (and the people in them).
We’ll shape strategic position descriptions, while determining the optimal roles for the talent you already have working for you.
We’ll collaborate to create really SMART goals that align with your mission and vision.
We’ll provide a roadmap to support each leader as they guide their sphere of influence from status quo to success.

Get smart.
You have specific goals—maybe even SMART ones (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timebased). But your attempts to attain them, especially within the context of your team, have been challenging at best, impossible at worst. All too often it comes down to one thing: You have an alignment problem. From high staff turnover and recruiting woes to board engagement and managing upward, it can seem like every day requires a pivot or restart.
Listen, Inform, Act, Repeat.
First, we’ll observe and listen. A lot. For instance, you may tell us that you’re “agents of collaboration” when your actions actually embrace the insanity of silo sustainability. Then, we’ll tell you what you need to hear (which may be very different than what you want to hear). Finally, we’ll challenge you to take action. It will be uncomfortable. But without action, nothing will change.